Don't Answer

I run to the phone after the first ring knowing exactly what it's doing to me.
I wait as if a voice will answer but I know he's calling just to remind me of what I should be doing.
I drop the phone back in its fitted cradle and return to my book.
Tap, tap, tap, one, two, three
I flip the pages back and forth.
Flip, flip, flip, one, two, three
Moments later the phone rings again.
I wait just a second longer this time but the urge is too strong so I get up and hurry to the phone.
No one is there to answer me.
I leave the phone and head for the stairs.
Step up, up, up, step down, down, down
It takes me ten minutes until I reach the top of the stairs and the phone rings again.
I wait a minute this time.
The urge is strong, but I can't let him win.
I try to wait but this feeling of uncomfortableness drags me to the phone.
I don't say hello this time, just put the phone to my ear.
I drop the phone, tired of what he's doing to me.
What if this never ends?
I try to take a deep breath, but he is always in control.
He is a part of me.
Breath in, tap one, two, three, breathe out, tap one, two, three
The phone rings.
This time, I don't answer.
I feel a wave of physical pain as I stop myself from giving in.
Will my heart stop beating if I don't answer? What if my mom doesn't make it home from work?
Maybe I should just answer.
I wait and the phone stops ringing.
I did it
Days pass, and the sound of ringing no longer entices me.
He gets easier and easier to ignore.
His name is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

A young woman looks at the camera

Melanie Heipel

Grade: 12 / CEGEP I
Southwood Secondary School
Cambridge, ON

“I struggle with OCD and it is something that comes up in my everyday life. I made this poem to let others know that it does get better and eventually, with some hard work, OCD doesn't have to control you.”


Melanie is a 17 year old student who is from the outskirts of Cambridge. She loves to read, bake, dance, and occasionally write poems. A lot of what Melanie writes is influenced by her life as she wants to let others know they are not alone.

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